Tuesday, 28 April 2020

Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism: April 28, 1253

Nichiren Daishonin, as a 12-year-old boy, made a vow to become the wisest person in Japan. In a later writing, he said that, at that time, he was presented with a great jewel of unsurpassed wisdom “as brilliant as the morning star.” 


On April 28, 1253, Nichiren Daishonin revealed and first chanted the original and fundamental law of Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo, which was to be spread in the Latter Day of the Law (now).


There are two meanings to the Daimoku. There is the Daimoku of the Former (Shobo) and the Middle Days (Zobo) of the Law, and the Daimoku of the Latter Day of the Law (Mappo). During the age of the Former Day of the Law, Bodhisattvas Nagarjuna and Vasubandhu secretly chanted Daimoku, yet they stopped short of revealing it. Nan-yueh and T’ien-t’ai of the Middle Day of the Law, both chanted Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo, but also did not widely spread the five characters to others. They kept it secret among themselves. This, then is called the theoretical practice of Daimoku. Now in the Latter Day of the Law, the Daimoku invoked by Nichiren has never before been revealed; it is the Daimoku of Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo which encompasses the two practices of jigyo and keta, for oneself and for others.
(Gosho, pp. 1594-1595, Summary)



Saturday, 18 April 2020

April 22: Earth Day with Please Save My Earth & NASA Stay at Home

Watch or read the classic sci-fi soap opera Please Save My Earth by Saki Hiwatari (1987). Tells the story of seven alien scientists reincarnated in planet Earth to save it from its destruction. Soon, the protagonist Alice Sakaguchi discovers through dreams her past life as Mokuren along with the other six reincarnated scientists. Enjoy the fan video of the theme song “Memory of Time”.

Please Save My Earth fan song

Goodreads Please Save My Earth

Finally, in the campaign of NASA Stay at Home take a look at many educational and art resources to celebrate and defend Earth Day.

Stay At Home NASA - Earth Day


Saturday, 11 April 2020

Future Earth Final Trailer: War of Religions

Join Carol Dreamer's adventure in the final war of religions. Planet Earth in the far away future. Because of the worldwide war of religions, some humans transform into soul creatures: A soul creature is a person who becomes a monster because of the unstable energy inside people’s souls caused by this war. The only hope is to travel to the artificial intelligent Dejah Thoris City in planet Mars. It has been without contact since the dark ancient 21st century. In the Buddhist Kingdom of Thailand, Maitreya Banchamek discovers a way to travel to planet Mars thanks to his ancient ancestor.

What secrets does the Martian city have? Why did the Martian artificial intelligent machines stop contacting planet Earth? Will humanity be saved in the final war of religions?

Monday, 6 April 2020

Thai prisons: Bang Kwang song & Buddhist art program

Enjoy this classic song about Bang Kwang Central Prison in Nonthaburi along with the Buddhist art program for prisoners.

Buddhist art program for prisoners

2025 Lunar New Year of the Wood Snake: Transformation thanks to Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism

  The lesser vehicles of the ancient religions will be transformed and embraced by the Great Vehicle of Mahayana Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism. ...