Sunday, 13 October 2019

Nichiren Shoshu Oeshiki Ceremony

Buddha Nichiren Daishonin passed away on October 13th, 1282 at the Hour of the Dragon (around eight o’clock in the morning) at the residence of Munenaka in Ikegami, Province of Musashi. At the time of his death there was an earthquake and the cherry trees in the garden bloomed out of season. Between October and November, in the Head Temple Taisekiji and in local temples worldwide celebrate the Oeshiki Ceremony.

In the “Orally Transmitted Teachings” (Ongi kuden), the Daishonin states: At present, when Nichiren and His disciples earnestly chant Nam- Myoho-Renge-Kyo, they shall become enlightened to the truth that birth and death are eternal phases of existence, and that extinction and emergence are also original and eternal. Additional concepts can be included in this. Non-existence and existence, birth and death, disappearance and appearance, the Buddha’s life and after his death: all of these are the originally eternal and immutable aspects of life for all living beings. (Gosho, p.1767) (extracted from The Doctrines and Practice of Nichiren Shoshu, Nichiren Shoshu Overseas Bureau, [pdf], Japan, 2010 pp. 43-44)

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