Monday, 10 February 2020

Save Korat & Royal Thai Armed Forces

On February 8th, was announced the mass shooting carried out by the Royal Thai Army soldier Sgt Maj 1st Class Jakrapanth Thomma, 32, of the Surathampithak army camp. He was finally killed in Terminal 21 shopping mall in Korat, Thailand. My profound condolences to all the victims and also to everyone in the Royal Thai Armed Forces. This person does not represent them.

The Royal Thai Armed Forces always live and are dedicated to the Kingdom of Thailand and abroad.

Hope this horrible event never happens again. Please follow the official news and in official websites:

Articles from Bangkok Post:

Finally, just wanted to share some fanart I have created from my attendance to the Muay Thai tournament All Star Fight Army World Soldier and the two videos from the Thai music band Ebola and Total Annihilation - Riptide Music. Basically, I used the photos I took in the tournament and some fanart of the Thai animation BloodyBunny by 2SPOTStudio.

-Ebola fan music video.

-Total Annihilation - Riptide Music fan music video.

-All Star Fight Army World Soldier: Muay Thai Legend Buakaw Banchamek vs. Russian Artem Pashporin.

-Bloody Bunny by 2SPOTStudio.


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